LaFOP and FOP CCL#2 Participate in FOP Day on the Hill
Each year, the National Fraternal Order of Police organizes a day where FOP members from across the United States meet in Washington D.C. to advance our legislative agenda. Members of lodges from across the country meet with their elected officials to discuss matters of national and local importance. It is a fantastic way to interact with our elected officials while demonstrating the political capital the FOP wields. Pictured below are Darrell Basco, Pat Yoes, James Gallagher, and Dawn Powell with some of our representatives in Congress. Deputy Chief Darrell Basco is employed by the Pineville Police Department and serves as President of the Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police. Capt. Pat Yoes is employed by the St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office and serves as the National Secretary for the Fraternal Order of Police and is also past-president of the Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police, Sgt. James Gallagher (ret.) is retired from the New Orleans Police Department and services on the FOP's Legislative Committee. Capt. Dawn Powell is employed by the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office and serves on the FOP's Legislative Committee.