A Message from our President about Nick Macheca
Our beloved friend and bother known to us all as Nick Macheca has been called home to fill the garden of the Lord, with a another flower of Joy. I ask all my brothers and sisters to keep his family in prayer as they go through these trying times. His services will be this Friday, April 8, 2016 at Lakelawn Funeral Home with Visitation for the family from 9am to 10am and at 10:00 am until services at Noon visitation for family and friends. Nick was a great friend and brother to me. He will be missed.
"God, You wept as Lazarus was laid into the tomb, yet You also gave him new life. Grant my friend new life, too, as he journeys from this world to yours. Hold His hand no matter how rocky the path, and remind him, no matter how badly he may feel, that he is your beloved child, with whom You are well pleased. Heal Him in body, mind, and spirit, and make him whole again as he enters Your house. In your name I pray Amen."
Walter Powers, Jr.